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There are 11 photo albums.
Easter (1 photos)
Photos with an Easter Theme
Church Birthday 2020 (1 photos)
Southgate Church celebrated it's 46th birthday yesterday, 31st May, on Pentecost Sunday. We met on Zoom for our Sunday Morning service and reflected on God's goodness in growing Southgate Church from it's early days meeting at Hardwick Primary School. We were so thrilled that Emily, one of our young people, made this birthday cake, which includes our logo. Great job Emily!
Southgate's Got Christmas 2019 (1 photos)
It was great to see so many people at this annual event.
Pancake Cafe (5 photos)
The Church Centre was open on Shrove Tuesday from 12noon until 6pm. We served around 250 pancakes!!
Holiday Club 2018 (15 photos)
Once again, our annual Holiday Club, was well attended and many families came along to the Friday evening event, to see what the children had been learning over the week.
Southgate's Got Christmas 2017 (11 photos)
Saturday 3rd December 2017. Free Community Christmas event in Southgate Community Centre.
Christingle Service (9 photos)
The Christingle service is held 2 Sundays before Christmas. Every person makes a Christingle to take home.
Southgate's Got Christmas (14 photos)
Community Event, Saturday 3rd December 2016
Queen's 90th Birthday (1 photos)
We held a special Sunday service on 12th June to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday.
Kids of the Castle 2016 (11 photos)
Our Annual Holiday Club, which ran in August, was a fantastic time to teach over 30 children who came along, about Jesus' love for each of them and for them to find out that they are are part of God's Royal Family.
Releasing God's Love (4 photos)
On Sunday 8th October, our children's and young people's groups joined together to release balloons to which they had tied messages of God's love, which they had written. One reached as far as Harlow.
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